There comes a time in every dog-owners life when we wish that our four-legged friend could talk to us; could tell us when they’re hurt or sad. Unlike humans, dogs can’t explain to the vet what is wrong and we all know how heart-breaking it is to see our pet in pain. The team at Frisky Dog has taken great measures to assure that your pet has a safe and comfortable play environment — free of dangers to their physical or mental well-being. As an added precaution, our general manager, Ross Rolando, is trained in doggie first aid to assure that should any harm befall your pet during his stay with us, we know the proper protocol and steps to take to remedy the situation. So, though your pet cannot vocalize when they’re hurt, we know how to recognize the first signs of pain and are ready to handle any situation to alleviate the stress.

As dog lovers, we feel that it is unfair to keep this valuable information to ourselves: all pet-owners should know how to care for their dog in a time of need. Below we’ve shared a variety of excerpts from a reputable blog that highlights the basics of doggie first aid and the preventative measures you can take to “puppy-proof” your home.

All dogs, especially inquisitive puppies and poorly trained dogs, get into mischief. This can lead to poisoning from ingesting a cleaning product or chewing on a toxic houseplant, asphyxiating on a small object found on the floor, or electrocution from chewing an electric cord. Outdoor hazards like toxic garden plants and pesticides are equally dangerous. Time invested dog-proofing your home will prevent such incidents.

Dog proof your home by removing or securing all poisonous products, including toxic cleaners and batteries. Many houseplants add beauty to a home, and many help clean the air. Some, however, are toxic to dogs and other pets. Dog proof your home by removing these toxic houseplants or placing them out of your dog’s (and children’s) reach.

Every year, many dogs are electrocuted in the home. Others asphyxiate when they get tangled up in plastic bags, or choke on small items they swallow. Some tear their skin on a loose staple under a sofa or chair, or on a nail sticking out from the wall. Many more fall down stairs and seriously injure themselves. Secure your electric cords and remove or eliminate household hazards to help keep your dog safe inside your home.

A dog on the loose is a dog at risk of running onto the road, eating tainted garbage, or getting into a neighbor’s garden. Your dog will likely be injured or become ill sooner rather than later if he’s allowed his run of the neighborhood. If you need to leave your dog outside, confine him to your own yard with a fence, stake and chain, or other restraint system. There are many different types of dog containment on the market these days. It’s important to find the system that works best for you and your dog. If you follow these simple steps to dog proof your home, you’ll keep your canine companion safe, secure and healthy. That’s definitely worth the small investment in time and energy, isn’t it?

The preceding tips and tricks were provided by Dog First Aid 101. Please visit their excellent site for more information regarding dog-proofing your home and the precautions you can take to ensure the safety of your pet. In any and all situations where you feel that your dog’s injury is beyond your abilities or understanding, DO NOT hesitate to take your pet to the nearest veterinary clinic. It is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to the safety of your companion.